LA to Hawaii and Then Home

Friday 19 October, Saturday 20 October, Sunday 21 October

With the alarm clocks going off just before 4.30 am we were up and getting ready for our airport and on our way to the Hawaiian island of Oahu and Honolulu. The flight was around five hours and with gaining three hours in the time difference to LA we arrived around 11.00 am.

Although our rooms were not ready we were able to leave our bags and spend a couple of hours walking around Waikiki. Lunch was at Kings Village and a shop set up as a fifties diner with all the memorabilia that went with it. It was then a quick walk down to Waikiki Beach and then back to the Hotel via the International Market place. If you wanted to buy a Hawaiian shirt then this was the place to be as there are thousands of them in all shapes and sizes.

Flying into Honolulu

With not a great deal of time to spare we were once again on a bus. This time it was to Paradise Cove Resort to attend a Luau. Pick up time was between 3.45 and 4.15 and Paradise Cove some distance form Waikiki and at that time of day took some time because of peak hour.

At the Luau it was a Mai Tail on arrival and different activities, arts and crafts to been seen and Polynesian games prior to dinner. Prior to dinner it was an opportunity to watch a beautiful sunset in a lovely tropical setting. After dinner it was a show including the great fire dancer and of course the girls in grass shirts. The three hour time difference started to catch up with us. It was only 10pm where we were it was closer to one o’clock on the mainland and the day crept up on all of us.

Pardise Cove

It was back to Waikiki and into bed as we had to be up and ready for our tour the next day by 6.30am. We did miss Anne and Jeff but we did receive a message to say that they had picked up their rental car OK and managed to successfully navigate out of LA.

Saturday it was up early again to join a day tour to Pearl Harbour. After a picking up everyone we made our way out to the Arizona Memorial. It is a case of first come first served and after arriving around 9.00am we found out our time that would be 1.00pm.
To fill in the time we took the shuttle bus over to Ford Island and the tour of the Missouri battleship also known as “Mighty Mo”. It was on this ship that the Japanese surrender ceremony took place ending their involvement in World War II. After taking in a guided tour it was time to explore the ship more and to visit the mess, and living quarters of what was once the home to thousands of sailors.
Then it was back to the USS Arizona Memorial Centre where there were several displays to hear and read about the events of the 1941 attack on Pearl Harbour. Prior to taking the launch out to the memorial a short film was shown giving an overview of the attack. A motor launch then took us out to the memorial which lies across the sunken USS Arizona and the watery grave of the sailors that went down with her. Even today it is as if the ship is still alive with slow leak of oil which according to the guide that it will be quite a number of years that this will continue.  While looking over the edge into the water you can see the small dots of oil which surface to the top and then the ripples of water disperse it.
After returning to shore it was back into the bus and the tour took us to the Punchbowl Crater with is a large lawn cemetery and then a drive through Downtown Honolulu. This area is the commerce and business area of Honolulu and where many of the older buildings and history of the island are.
It was good to be off of the bus and gave everyone the afternoon to explore Waikiki. Terry and Glen took a swim, while Graham and Shirley also seized the opportunity to put their toes into the famous beach. After dinner in market and soaking in the mild tropical night everyone retired to repack bags for the last leg of the journey home.
This will be my last post as I am sitting here waiting for our transfer to the airport. It is Sunday morning and we fly out at 11.50 am and crossing the International Date Line our 10 hour trip will deliver us in Sydney at 7.30pm Monday. Because of lateness of getting in we will be staying overnight in Sydney near the airport and then next morning the final leg to Adelaide and home.
It’s been a great time away and as we leave our last couple of days here behind us and head west we have time to reflect on all the places we have been and the people we have met. Our thoughts are also with Anne and Jeff who are still exploring the USA a little bit more and have not been able to share the last couple of days with us. I hope that “my sister” and “brother-in-law” complete their holiday and stay safe and we get to catch up when back “Down Under”.


Thursday 18 October

Our second day in LA and by eight o’clock it was back on the bus for a morning tour of Beverly Hills and Hollywood.  The drive took us from one end of Wiltshire Drive to the other and then a stop in Hollywood Boulevard to take a walk along the path of famous stars and celebrities.

Cruising Wiltshire Drive

In and around Beverly Hills

Many streets of the rich and famous in  Beverly Hills

Shopping anyone (with a few thousand to spare).

What a shame we were too early for Beverly Hills

Leaving Beverly Hills.

The famous Hollywood sign.

Downtown Hollywood
Ted managed to find John Fogerty's star.

The famous Hollywood theatre

Ted managed to find some friends

The enterance to Universal Studios
After a couple of hours it was off to Universal Studios where fourteen of the group spent the rest of the day. At this point it was farewell to those who had taken the morning tour but not joining us at Universal Studios, our driver Dennis and Tour Director France.

All of a suddent there was rain and flash flooding!
A plane crash in LA!
After a great day first taking the Studio Tour then splitting up to try and cover as many of the shows. First we took the Studio Tour which gave a good tour of the movie lots with several areas with effects and it was a great introduction to the park. It was after the ride that we split up to explore the other shows which included 4D Shrek, Studio Tour, WaterWorld, TransFormers  the Ride 3D, Terminator 2: 3D, The Blues Brothers and Jurassic Park the Ride. Because we had to make our own way back to Downtown LA we agreed to meet at 5.00pm and travel back together on the Metro. Although getting the “Tap” card from a machine for the ticket became pretty trick, between the fourteen of us we finally worked it out. The ticketing system is similar to our Metrocard although the cost of the card was only a dollar and the train trip $1.50.

Ted getting up close with Jaws

The WaterWorld show was full of thrills and spills

After riding the metro and successfully finding our way back to the Hotel we all had dinner together before retiring for the evening.  This was our last dinner as the next day our little group would be splitting with Anne and Jeff picking up a rental car and driving back to Las Vegas and Grand Canyon, while Glen, Teri, Graham, Shirley, Lloyd and Judy flying out to Hawaii for a couple of days before flying home. This was the official ending to the Cosmos tour and we were back to being free agents.

Las Vegas to LA

Wednesday October 17

With a not too early start it was up and on the road again with a brief stop at the Welcome to Las Vegas sign on the way out leaving the lights and casinos behind.

Leaving Las Vegas but Anne and Jeff will be returning.

An hour or so later we were leaving Nevada and leaving Las Vegas behind us and crossing the border into California leaving the flat ground and travelling through diverse country.  It was first climbing then a slow and long decent to the plains and past the gate-way to Death Valley onto Barstow crossing the Mojave Desert.
Across the desert

It was then the last Route 66 museum that we would visit at the Barstow’s old railroad depot. Here the old railway station shared the site with the Route 66 Mother Road Museum, the Western American Railroad Museum and a motel.

At the last of the Route 66 museums at Barstow.
Lloyd with his friend at Barstow.

The bus travellers in a group photo.

Our bus driver Dennis and tour director France.

After lunch it was back in the bus and freeway and the journey through the winding freeway and through the mountains and San Bernardino Mountains on the way into Los Angeles. Gradually the traffic increased and before we knew it Los Angeles city was in view. Although it took awhile to negotiate the city we arrived at our hotel in Downtown Los Angeles after 270 miles (435 kms) from Las Vegas.

LA getting closer.

The closer to LA the more traffic.

The closer to LA the increase in the number of traffic lanes.

Getting closer to downtown LA and our destination

More traffic the closer to LA downtown.

Ted's bed was comfortable
After settling into our rooms, it was a quick change and back in the bus for dinner at Bubba Gump Shimp in Santa Monica. The trip to the famous beach took us through some of Los Angeles and into the sun setting on the horizon and the Pacific Ocean. It is hard to believe that we were on the opposite side of the vast stretch of ocean.  With a walk along the pier prior to dinner it was a nice way to finish the day topped off with a dinner by the ocean.
Santa Monica at sunset.

Lots of activitiy at Santa Monica pier

Plenty of commuter traffic as we made our way to Santa Monica
I will never complain about the traffic jams in Adelaide

We have reached the end of Route 66

At our farewell dinner.

Once back to the Hotel it was an early night ready for the last part of our tour and the last day (free day) before the tour officially ending tomorrow.

Las Vegas

Tuesday October 16

With Harrah’s as the base everyone was free to do their own thing and have time to explore Las Vegas which was a bit better in the daylight. Getting your bearings in the light of the day is much easier that at night after you have travelled all day.

Harrahs... our "home" for two nights

One of the enterances to Harrahs

The group split up as that was going to be easier to see all the different things that were going on. Some of us travelled the public transport system out to one of the shopping outlets (there are two either end of the strip). It was from there that we agreed to catch up later in the day. There were so many different casinos to explore, car museums, mono-rail rides (which apparently isn’t worth doing because it was built to commute people from casinos to the convention centre) so it was easier to split up with everyone wanting to see different things and only a day to do it in.

One of many different casinos on the strip

The "Strip" in Las Vegas

MGM Grand and pocker machines everywhere.

No need to go to New York.

Only half a motor bike but is it size that counts?

More of the 'Strip"

Buildings of all shapes and sizes.
Paris comes to you!

Part of Paris!

In the evening the group did a couple of different things. Anne and Jeff used the time to see more of the casinos, Graham and Shirley “took in a show” and went to see the Rat Pack and Glen, Teri, Lloyd and Judy took a helicopter flight of the “strip” to view the lights of Las Vegas.

The driver of our transfer back to our hotel from the helicopter flight was willing to drive us around and take us to Fremont Street. He gave us a personnel tour around the bottom end of the strip and in and around the original part of the strip called Fremont Street. According to our guide (who grew up in the town) it used to be the place that kids would “cruise” so someone decided that t the road should be blocked off to vehicle traffic. This seemed to “kill” the area so the area was revitalised and a light show consisting of a canopy of lights was added to the area.

Fremont Street - Downtown Las Vegas

The "old" Strip.

The light show in Fremont Street

The famous Golden Nugget casino

Fremont Street now covered in and you can no longer drive down it.

The light show in Fremont Street

We managed to find the group from the Rat Pack at the end of Fremont Street and travelled back with them. Every now and then you would get people whizzing overhead past you in a rush and suddenly they were gone again! Teri and Glen decided to stay and have a go which ran down the centre of the street. 

After a long day it wasn’t too long before everyone made their way to bed and our last night in Las Vegas.