Flagstaff to the Grand Canyon

This post  has been delayed as the internet connection at the Grand Canyon was very limited and although some posts have been able to be down loaded while on the bus... travel has been in areas where reception has also been limited. So on Sunday........

Sunday October 14

With views of the mountain, Flagstaff had the feel of a ski resort at 6,910 ft (2,106m) above sea level.  After an early night it was up again early before making our way to the Grand Canyon with a bit of a nip in the air. According to the hotel staff the snow is expected at the end of the month and with severe storms on the east coast this is quite believable. Before leaving we had a complimentary breakfast and while waiting could not get over seeing the number of guests parading through the area with dogs on leashes as hotel guests. Something we are not use to at home. It is also evident that there are water issues in the US (the TV is news reporting increased prices and small portions of food in restaurants because of food shortages due to drought conditions). Amazingly the hotel was also fitted with dual flush toilets and a bowl where the water level did not look like it would overflow with next flush! This has been the first place we have seen any water saving in seriousness.

The hotel in Flagstaff and our transportation

First  stop was a the Trading Post in Cameron which is a small community on route to “The Canyon” and provided an opportunity to pick up a souvenir or two from an incredible amount of Indian crafts and artwork.
First stop Cameron
Another trading post and another place to shop.

Leaving Cameron we started to further west and into the Grand Canyon National Park where the native pines wooded the drive and the park. Once inside the park there were plenty of squirrels and elk roaming and not too difficult to spot.

Ever changing country on the way to the Canyon
Every corner a different scene.

Some country looks very familar.

Getting closer to that great hole!

Enterance to the National Park

Once inside the park our first stop was at the Desert View Watchtower which gave us the first good look at the Grand Canyon from its high vantage point.

First stop at the Desert View Watchtower

Inside the watch tower

Our first views of the Grand Canyon
Ted enjoyed the view!
Great views of the Canyon and Colorado River

Lunch was sitting in the sun on a low wall the Grand Canyon in all its glory as backdrop and life not getting much better than that.

Lunch was shared with the locals.

A bit of planking at the canyon by Ted!

A bit of planking at the canyon by Lloyd!

Walks and views from the park visitor's centre

After lunch we all made our way out to the airport where the group took a half hour flight over the canyon. Taking off we headed out over the wooded area of Pinyon-Juniper and Ponderosa Pine and at first it looked like we were flying away from where we should have been going. However it wasn’t too long before we took a turn and then all of a sudden we were heading over the edge and the magic of the canyon was spread out below us. The flight seemed to go in slow motion giving plenty of opportunity to view the colours and shapes created by the shadows from all different directions. Before we knew it we were heading back to the airport and the main part of the accommodation areas where we would be spending the night.

Time to go flying

Anne and Jeff seeing the sights from the sky

Flying to the Canyon

All of a sudden it was a turn and over we went!

What a way to see the canyon.

The Gang!

It was decided to wait before returning to our accommodation for the night and to catch one of the many shuttle buses out to the rim to try and capture the sunset on the canyon. Catching one of the last shuttles back we then made our way to our motel. The area was not all that well signposted or many lights to guide our way (although Jeff did have a camping light strapped to his head to show us the way). We had to find building number 5, which we did once but all did not see right... where was the bus!. Finally we managed to find our bus, driver and beds for the night. Later we found out that there were two building number fives, an east and a west. We had been trying to find the wrong one, weary, hungry and walking around in the dark.

Sunset at the Canyon!

Changing light, colour and shadows

Where is the touch Jeff?

Due to the location and availability of the net it was not going to be possible to post an update until Monday and closer to our next destination.

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