San Francisco Day 1

Tuesday 2 October 2012

The end of our first day in San Francisco has drawn to an end. Everyone was up early considering our late night before. However to make sure we made the best of the day meant everyone was up and at breakfast around 8.00 – 8.30. The temperature was warm (in the eighties) and according to the locals quite un-usual for this time of the year. Being warm and clear meant that we had a clear view of the Golden Gate Bridge…. I have been told that viewing it is unusual as most of the year it isn’t visible because of fog.

To redeem our purchased Hop On – Hop Off  bus ticket we had to get to Fisherman’s Warf we walked a couple of blocks, paid our two dollars and travelled on the “F” numbered renovated tram through the streets of the city.
All on to the tram
A couple of tickets anyone?

Utilising our Hop On-Hop Off tickets we took a ‘spin’ around the city. Unfortunately the whole group could not see all of the city sights from the upper deck of the bus for some of the way due to the limited number of seats, however we did get to see some of the city highlights. Sitting on the upper deck meant that at times you were passing very close to the overhead wires of the city trolley buses and close enough to get a good view of their components. This could have been the reason why no one was allowed to stand up!
No one stand up!

The bus started and ended at the famous Fisherman’s Warf. A second Hop On – Hope Off took us over the Golden Gate Bridge and around Sausalito on the northern shore of San Francisco.  On return it was back to Fisherman’s Warf for a bite to eat and then on to Pier 33 and a trip to Alcatraz.
A quick bite to eat.
After a short trip across the harbor we arrived at Alcatraz at around 4.30pm which gave us an hour an half before having to return on the last boat off of the island at 6.00pm. The audio tour of the prison is highly recommended where you are issued with a headset and a commentary is given guiding you through the different sections of the jail-house and stories told about the goal, prisoners and wardens.

On "the rock"

The "Bear" at the "Bridge"

On return to the mainland it was time for dinner back at the Hard Rock Café before finding the renovated trams and the short walk back to our accommodation, quick night cap and then taking weary bodies to bed.

What a great day, did lots, saw lots, had a good time. Alcatraz was brilliant; the audio made the visit something else. As you walked around the audio told a story of the various break outs and odd murder with interviews from people that spent time in there. The sound effects, voices in the background, closing cell doors, fights etc made it realistic. Brilliant!!

Catching the old trams was a buzz. They are in very good condition and at times were packed with people and there are plenty of them, you don’t have to wait very long before the next one comes along.

The wharf area is alive with people, there were 2 cruise liners in and people everywhere as you can imagine.

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