Las Vegas to LA

Wednesday October 17

With a not too early start it was up and on the road again with a brief stop at the Welcome to Las Vegas sign on the way out leaving the lights and casinos behind.

Leaving Las Vegas but Anne and Jeff will be returning.

An hour or so later we were leaving Nevada and leaving Las Vegas behind us and crossing the border into California leaving the flat ground and travelling through diverse country.  It was first climbing then a slow and long decent to the plains and past the gate-way to Death Valley onto Barstow crossing the Mojave Desert.
Across the desert

It was then the last Route 66 museum that we would visit at the Barstow’s old railroad depot. Here the old railway station shared the site with the Route 66 Mother Road Museum, the Western American Railroad Museum and a motel.

At the last of the Route 66 museums at Barstow.
Lloyd with his friend at Barstow.

The bus travellers in a group photo.

Our bus driver Dennis and tour director France.

After lunch it was back in the bus and freeway and the journey through the winding freeway and through the mountains and San Bernardino Mountains on the way into Los Angeles. Gradually the traffic increased and before we knew it Los Angeles city was in view. Although it took awhile to negotiate the city we arrived at our hotel in Downtown Los Angeles after 270 miles (435 kms) from Las Vegas.

LA getting closer.

The closer to LA the more traffic.

The closer to LA the increase in the number of traffic lanes.

Getting closer to downtown LA and our destination

More traffic the closer to LA downtown.

Ted's bed was comfortable
After settling into our rooms, it was a quick change and back in the bus for dinner at Bubba Gump Shimp in Santa Monica. The trip to the famous beach took us through some of Los Angeles and into the sun setting on the horizon and the Pacific Ocean. It is hard to believe that we were on the opposite side of the vast stretch of ocean.  With a walk along the pier prior to dinner it was a nice way to finish the day topped off with a dinner by the ocean.
Santa Monica at sunset.

Lots of activitiy at Santa Monica pier

Plenty of commuter traffic as we made our way to Santa Monica
I will never complain about the traffic jams in Adelaide

We have reached the end of Route 66

At our farewell dinner.

Once back to the Hotel it was an early night ready for the last part of our tour and the last day (free day) before the tour officially ending tomorrow.

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