San Francisco to Chicago

Thursday 4 October

Waiting for our flight in San Francisco
Today we leave San Francisco behind us and back to the airport and flight on to the start of Route 66 and Chicago.

There isn’t a lot to report on today as we were in transit most of the day.

These long distance flights are starting to take their toll; we are all having a grizzle about sitting in planes in the cramped spaces. Yesterday we had a young mother (American Indian) with her child sitting beside us and the 14 month old baby cried for most of the way. Ahhhh let me out of here!!!!!! (Lloyd) It wasn’t the baby’s fault it just didn’t want to be constrained.
We are at Chicago!
Entering into Chicago from the airport along a very busy freeway gave a different feel to when we arrived in San Francisco, the roads were in good condition, the roadways were clean of rubbish and the City was cleaner and newer looking. Our shuttle driver told us that homeless people were not allowed in the city centre which was very different to San Francisco.
Arriving at the Chicargo Airport and waiting for our transfer

The domestic airlines do not give complimentary food or drink, in fact the domestic airline over filled the plane with passengers and then made an offer of cash and priority seating on the next flight, they had no problem getting volunteers.
Driving into Chicago
Driving in to Chicago was a real eye opener, the number of multi story building was breath taking, unfortunately it was raining and I was unable to get any photos, hopefully over the next day I will be able to take photos to show.

We met up with France our tour director for the trip; she was waiting for us at the hotel, what a lovely hotel.

Meeting the Tour Director
We didn’t arrive until late and it was straight to dinner. We hadn’t eaten since breakfast and we were all starved.

Dinner together to top off the day.....

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