San Francisco Day 2

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Another great day in San Francisco brought a change of weather from being quite warm to turning cooler.

After breakfast we all headed down to the cable tram terminal for a ride on the city’s famous cable car. As we rode up and down the steep streets of San Francisco just as in the movies. Some of us were given the freedom to stand on the running boards to ride the tracks of the tram system. Surprisingly for a country that we hear so much about suing people here we were able to ride on the outside of a cable tram!
Cable Trams and the streets of San Francisco

Riding the "waves" of the streets of San Francisco.

  What a great ride... even the bear enjoyed the ride.

After riding to Fisherman’s Wharf Graham and Shirley decided to take a trip on the bay and visit the rail museum. The rest of the group had decided yesterday to walk the Golden Gate Bridge. After catching a bus over the bridge we all started to walk back towards down town San Francisco.

The fog starts to roll in.

 It was sunny!
Remarkably about halfway across, after setting out in lovely sunshine, the infamous San Francisco fog started to roll in before our eyes. Soon San Francisco Bay, Alcatraz and the city suddenly disappeared. Luckily Graham and Shirley went on their cruise on the harbor first otherwise all they would have seen was fog.  An incredible experience to face one way to see sunshine and to turn around and only see the bridge disappearing in fog!

Back to Fisherman's Wharf

On return to Fisherman’s Wharf there was time for a bit of shopping before a regroup, quick cup of tea or coffee and then joining a night bus tour around the city.
Touring the streets in a double decker bus.... and close to those overhead trolley bus wires!

The old and the new of San Francisco.

San Francisco by night

By this time it was quite cold riding around looking at the high points of San Francisco in an open top double decker bus but at least we were given blankets to wrap in. Seeing the city at night added another perspective to the city. After an hour and half tour it was back to Fisherman’s Wharf for dinner before catching the cable car back to the city and a short walk home. It was another great day and our last night here in San Francisco. Tomorrow will be a day of travelling by getting up early to catch a plane to Chicago where we will be meeting up with our tour.

Tomorrow is the start of Route 66!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Grasshopper, good to see you are having as good time. next time I want to see you planking!!

    Have fun hoops
