Springfield Illinois

Saturday October 6
Well the weather is definitely cooler as we leave the “Windy City” the start of Rout 66, and head to Springfield. The temperature is predicated to be about 12 degrees. This is the real first day of the bus trip which has an assortment of people from Australia, England, Scotland and the US.
Leaving Chicago behind us and on to Springfield.

Are we there yet?

The first day leaving Chicago on the famous Route 66 saw our first stop of the day at Pontiac. We arrived in the town and greeted by the Mayor himself who gave everyone individually a pin and welcome to his town. As part of the old Route 66 the town was also home to the Pontiac and Oakland museum and various artists who have contributed with street murals and miniature cars from the movie “Cars” all differently decorated around the town.
Murals in Pontiac

Teddy taking a ride in the different cars around town.
After the stop in Pontiac it was then back on the freeway which loosely follows Route 66 and onto Springfield. The first stop was as at Shea’s Garage famous as four generations of family to own the old garage. Today it is full of memorabilia of times past and was an interesting stop. The younger Mr Bill Shea’s said that his 2 sons were born on the same day 3 years apart, just the same as my brother and me although we were born in March and his sons were born in July. Old Mr Bill Shea has just turned 90 and his wife is just a bit below 90.
A stop at Shea's garage.

Lunch was then at a famous family business called Cozy Dog which is on Route 66 but these days has been upgraded as a modern road through Springfield. We had Cozy Dogs which are the same as Dippy Dogs or a battered sav on a stick although they were a quarter of the price we pay at home.
Lunch in Cozy Dog

After lunch it was into Springfield centre where we visited the Abraham Lincoln National Historical Site. This was an area rebuilt and preserved as the area that Abraham Lincoln he lived prior to moving to Washington as the president of the United States. The area covered a whole “block” and included renovated houses of not just his house but also of his neighbors. We were taken on a tour of the house which allowed us to stand in the very rooms that the man and his family had lived. An excellent display and free!

Abraham Lincoln National Historical Site - part of the precinct

Abraham Lincoln National Historical Site - Abraham Lincoln's family home

Following that tour it was off to the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum. Oh no not a museum I hear you mutter!…… However this proved to be a really well presented array of displays which portrayed Lincoln's life. The presentation was excellent and recommended to anyone visiting Springfield. One of the people who had input into the set up of the displays within the museum used to work for Walt Disney and for example moving through a reproduction of the White House kitchen is was reflected in the presentations eg you felt the warmth of kitchen stove as you passed it. Although as Australians we know little about American history, after today’s visit I think everyone came away with a little bit more knowledge and appreciation of being in the city where Abraham Lincoln lived. Abe was the President of the USA during the American Civil war started which was as a result of the attempt to put a stop to slavery in the USA. The number of people killed was massive.

Not just any museum.....

View of Springfield from the sixth floor of the Hilton Hotel.

The Bear now has a travelling mate to keep him company

The end of the fourth day of the tour concludes and tomorrow it is on to St Louis.


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